Thursday, April 29, 2010



I work on Tuesday to Wednesday, it suppose to work till Thursday. Due to not many visitor and only exhibitor who are the 1 which walking around whole day, my boss say tomorrow [Thursday] not coming. So as what Mr Joel P'hng have cursed, i work for 2days and cut away 1day AGAIN==". Oh ya~ my Boss is Mr Desmond and his boss is Mr Derek and their colleague is Ms Fion. 3 of them are FUNNY~they like to crap like i do!! =D Quite enjoy working.

But damn boring, as you can see below the view of the booth next to the entrance!! no visitor at all!! You also can see how boring I am thru my Picture~^^"

This is the product, The Business Issues. It NEW on 2009. All about Sub knowledge, marketing and business. Do you see Ivanka Trump daughter's of Donald Trump, she is a beauty!! a model and a business woman. Owh~guess what this magazine promotion is~=="
##Subscription on spot for 6 issues only RM10, normal price is Rm72 for 12month##
This the launching stage which just right in front our booth==". Do you saw a screen there, that thingy really annoying, keep on showing the same thing for million time!! and even hypnotize me into sleep!!

**serious, i take a 5minute nap at there=="**Forgot to introduce, Daphenie who also work with me 2 days^^. We were so damn bored!! and keep tortured by the Air-con in that exhibition!! so freaking COLD!! and we keep on saying " free magazine " My name tag~!! COOL*** look so professional~!! xD Daphenie tag was named Nicole, cause Desmond don't know what her name so he just create a name and send it to the organizer.
Day 1:: Pink [color which i HATE the most] , pen shirt and black heels. My friends say i look like aunty!! i admit lo!! it really does~~!!

It is too boring, and i started to do STUPID UGLY face again. And Daph was laughing at me!! hahahaha~~ because there nothing to do and play. Magazine, newspaper and TV all about business not my field~!! and I'm still a teenage. Still got many more photo, i uploaded to my Facebook.^^"

Day 2:: a formal Dress from Christina Lim. Look more better~xD i LOVE the ribbon i tie at the middle~^^

Just now[Wednesday] After work waited for Daph's sis, which was Chris Friend come fetch us and we waited for 1hour more~!! then, she realize she have lost her parking ticket!! search search and search still can't find so pay RM50 fine==".

She drop me at Old Klang Road Center market, i wait for Carina to fetch me to Kuchai for another Interview. I waited her for more then 1 and half hours!!! TIRING~!! finish everything at 11pm++ got home around 12am bath and wanted to sleep early, but realize i have eat my dinner [HUNGRY] so cook TomYam maggi and i damn FULL now. Can't sleep~!!=="

This few days my mood were damn bad. No reason. Just no mood, only want to work and have some exercise!! lost a bit of interest in movie and sing karaoke even my friends invite me to cinema and Redbox i was like " erm~orh.. i think don't want la~tired ". i found that FOOD is my CURE, after i eat i feel more better^^.

i seriously tired, not enough sleep and work.
but i don't like to sleep.
Why human have to sleep to survive!? anyone?!
Nighty night Blogger and friends
~Sugar dream~

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