Friday, July 10, 2009

Anplas-Bag is Here AGAIN~~~~

Remember the Anplas event that I wrote about last April? “Say YES to Anplas-Bag!” ?
Soon they gonna have another similar event!BUT 1st they need your help.

Currently, they're looking for 9companies to support this Anplas-bag Concept. If you think that the concept is meaningful and beneficial to the environment, please do them a favour by introducing this Concept to any interested parties. They need the support from you guys so that the concept could work smoothly.

Here is the detail of the Anplas-Bag Concept:-

* 5000 Anplas bags will be distributed for free to the public in "The Green Begins Here!" Event
* Anplas bag is of A3 size
* Nine (9) companies will have their logos printed on the Anplas-bag
* Preferably,some promotion discounts provided by these companies specifically for the Anplas bag user

This Anplas-bag concept is based on 3-Win-Theory: Corporate companies, General Public, and Environment.

1st WIN: Briefly speaking, since the concept is concerned with environmental protection and therefore it forms part of the Corporate Social Responsibily(CSR), the Corporate Companies will have a good reputation and Go-Green image and at the same time the sales of these companies would increased because the public would come to their shops or restaurants to enjoy the promotion discount provided by them.

2nd WIN: The public will get a free reusable bag and get to enjoy the promotion discount of the companies. Healthy and safe environment for our future generation.

3rd WIN: Our Environment is saved from being damaged by Plastic bags. Less plastic bags would occopy our landfills.

Call 012-633 7182(Mr. Onn)/016-312 7603(Mr. Sean) for further information of Anplas-bag concept. We would be very grateful to be able to explain this meaningful concept to you or any interested parties through a Face-to-Face appointment.

A little favour from you could make a big difference!

Check out they link:-

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