Sunday, May 4, 2008 mii..!!

live without 'lui'$$ is vr cham...
im bankrap....!!!no work...isk~isk..
im so poor...oni left RM1..
can u blif..i oni have RM1..
even i wan 2 buy school shoe aso cnt
want 2 cut hair aso no money...
AiYo~my birth cumin tim..
my fren cal me out aso no money...
wan tuition no money..dowan 2 take frm my parent..
no finance support..!!
wan 2 work bt bos say nw vr few customer..
+if gt work aso giv those are full-time worker..
part-time lik me muz wait..
wan 2 work wit my sis aso cnt..
her job muz go 4 a basic training..ZaDao~~=.=
basic training all aso at weekday mornin..
how i go..i gt study le..>.<~!!
so muz wait 4 holiday..haix~
nw wat aso cnt do..
cnt dance n tuition cz no finance support
cnt buy stuff i wan..cnt cut my hair..
most importtant is Cnt Go Out~!!
so sienzZ~oni cn stay at home..
live is difficult...SPM tis fan~!!
alot of project cnt finish..
homework 2 many lik a mountain..
open book aso faint...
cnt study..brain full of [[ PLAY ]]
when oni i can b rich...=.=~~

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