Tripda - Carpool
1:06 PM
Recently Tripda have been a hit me myself haven really tried yet I just can't get the right offer I want, anyway will still try to get myself a try on searching it again. Since it is something new at here and it actually help us our and also environment friendly.
You don't know what is Tripda!? Like serious? Many blogger been talking about it and people been sharing it on social network. Okay let me summarise it short and quick;
-Friendly platform for you to meet other people.
-Get you ride to the destination you want by carpooling.
-Save travel/transportation cost.
-Environmentally friendly
-Meeting new friends
-Most important you don't have to drive!!!
Okay till here which part you don't understand? Okay see how it really work with picture this time;
Go to the website/page here; and login using your Facebook and remember choose your country.
Or use you smart phone for since it is more easier and convenient, go download Tripda app; For Android user Play Store - Tripda and for Apple user Apps Store - Tripda.
Then Click into Offer/Find a ride then start searching by insert you area, destination and also the date then wait for the list to come out.
After choosing everything you will be at page like this; All the available offer will be there. You can even filter your preference for easy to choose out of so many offer.
Choose your ride and click in you will see all the details stated by the driver, eg; Price, no smoking, no eating, no pets and etc etc.
For ladies who wanna carpool but worry or doesn't want to sit stranger male driver no worry you can find for the pink Ladies Only logo. Same goes to lady driver who prefer lady carpooler always remember to put in the pink logo.
Lastly select your ride and book then wait for your ride and meet new friend.
Is my explanation and the picture make you clear about Tripda works? If you still don't understand here a diagram for you;
Login with Facebook > Offer or find a ride > Select route & preferences > Enjoy your ride > Rate & review (This are optional, but give people good review la after you ride in people car)
And why we should support carpool; Many reason we should support carpool, I personally like car pool with my friends. Firstly save transportation cost then we can save time by finding for carpark space and also lesser vehicle lesser environment damage, carpooling really environmentally friendly. Most important carpool actually can help you get better in knowing each other with your friends you will be talking nonstop in the journey and also you don't have to drive everytime you, just take turn to drive; especially for people who always drive long journey to work or going back hometown or maybe a short getaway trip.
So what do you think about carpool?! Let's share what your thought.
Didn't try before Tripda but I still have my own #Carpoolfie with my friends! This is how much fun you can get talking and nonstop selfie!! hahaha
For more info or detail or their new update or maybe you can firstly knew few of the top driver in Tripda thru below platform;
Tripda Facebook page:
Tripda instagram + twitter handle: @TripdaMY for both