2 in 1
4:31 PM
Hey Hey~ a short update. This year is a 2 in 1 celebration.
Hari Raya and Independenca day drop on the same day.
Today is 30 of August 2011 and a public holiday for everyone.
I'm here to greet Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all Muslim and Non Muslim friends.
Happy holidays for those having a great holidays right now.
Be safe on the road. Drive safe and have a great Raya.
By the way tomorrow is our Malaysia 54th Independence day!
Merdeka~ Merdeka~ Merdeka!!
Hari Kemerdekaan to everyone.
I think right now should be many people preparing to countdown Independence day or probably heading to somewhere to celebrate Raya and Kemerdekaan. =)
Anyway, Happy Holidays for non-Muslim friends, Selamat Hari Ray Aidilfitri to Muslim friends and Hari Kemerdekaan ke-54 to all Malaysian!!