Life Is Complicated
I'm tired and also bored facing my assignment!!=="
What life have to do so many thing to succes or get what we want.
Sometime really don't understand what others thinking.
Hard to understand peoples just by asking them will understand!?, do you think they will say out what every they really feel.
Can't trust even know someone for 10years. 10years is long but you sure you really know them well, because you guys are friends for 10years!?
Choosing a right partner is hard, peoples nowadays only think of look and appreance or money.
Who care if you really treat them good!?
Or have suffer for them!? You told them before!?
Even u told them the true, they also won't fully believe you.
Sometime you treat someone very good and hope to get some respect from them, it really quite hard.
Life really unfair, thats why every people with good look don't apprieciate it much.
People with good brain but go rob bank, sell fish at night market instead of sitting in an office with aic-conditioner, because they are LAZY~!!
My housemate is back!! and they damn annoying!!!